9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICES

We are gathering in our beautiful sanctuary at 441 Rimer Pond Road, Blythewood. If you are not able to meet with us during this time, we will be live-streaming (and then posting) the service HERE.

Scriptural Worship

We desire to use the truth of God’s transforming love as revealed in scripture to lead and direct our worship gatherings. God’s Word leads us as He calls us to worship Him, as we confess our sins, and as we remind one another of the grace offered to us through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. God’s Word is intentionally woven deep into the words of the songs we sing together.

Simple Worship

We desire quality music that minimizes individual performance and reduces distractions. We want to supremely highlight our God who is so worthy of praise! We receive encouragement and strength when we hear fellow believers lift up praises to our great God!

Family Worship

We love to see families worshiping together with their children! Children love to imitate, and we believe one of the most powerful and formative influences on them as young worshipers is to see Mom, Dad, and other adults worshiping the Lord with all their hearts. Including our Elementary children in worship involves occasional distractions, but we believe the benefits of welcoming our children into the worship service with us are absolutely worth it!

Details for your first visit

We are located right next to Round Top Elementary School at 441 Rimer Pond Road. We are easy to find. Just click this picture to connect to Google maps. 

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning!  Our worship is gospel-centered, our congregation is friendly, and our dress is casual.